CBD Oil Dosage Guide for Dogs: How Much Should I Give My Dog?

CBD oil is an increasingly popular product that can help with a variety of different medical conditions. But if you are new to CBD, it may not be clear what the proper dosage is for your dog. This article will answer any questions about We are going to discuss what CBD is, how it works and why dogs need it. As well as a dosage guide for dogs so that you can determine the proper amount of CBD oil for your pup!

What Is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and is the main active ingredient in Cannabis sativa or the cannabis plant. CBD possesses many potential benefits including anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, antiemetic, and antioxidant properties. The CBD extract has recently grown popular for its medicinal use for a variety of cases like chronic pain and anxiety according to a study.

It is commonly believed that CBD is ingested through inhalation of smoke or vapor from either Cannabis sativa or industrial hemp plants, ingestion by the mouth of CBD oil products, topical application of lotion or balm made from hemp plants extracts/CBD oils.

How Does CBD Work? Why Dogs Need It?

The human body has an endocannabinoid system that makes and regulates internal cannabinoids to maintain health. Endo means inside the body; cannabinoid refers to the activity of or on a cannabinoid receptor in our bodies (like THC). The two types of receptors for endogenous cannabinoids are CB-receptors that exist throughout most of our bodies and CB-receptors that are found in the brain.

The ECS helps to maintain homeostasis, which means a healthy stable internal environment or body state such as relaxed but “awake and aware” alertness levels (not too much nor too little). The cannabinoids help with this regulation by docking at cannabinoid receptors in the ECS.

When a cannabinoid receptor is activated, it regulates many cells and creates changes that lead to effects throughout the entire body system. For example, CB-receptors are found in immune cell types which may have an effect on the inflammation-fighting activity as well as anti-inflammatory activity of CBD oils/extracts. This goes back to the reason why CBD oils and extracts have been found to help with so many common conditions.

CBD oil is an increasingly popular product that can help with a variety of different medical conditions. But if you are new to CBD, it may not be clear what the proper dosage is for your dog. This article will answer any questions about We are going to discuss what CBD is, how it works and why dogs need it.

Before starting to use CBD oil on your dog, talk to a vet about any health problems your pup has or medications they may currently be taking. It’s important that a vet knows exactly how much CBD oil you’re giving them in order to make sure there are no adverse reactions.

CBD oil is made primarily from hemp plants and then infused with other ingredients like coconut or olive oil or THC (the psychoactive ingredient found in Marijuana).

The dosage of CBD may vary based on the severity of your pet’s condition as well as their size, weight, and age. However, it is important to start small when trying a new product, yourself, or giving it to your dog for the first time. It can take up to two weeks before you feel any noticeable results.

What Are You Looking to Treat with CBD?

There are a number of different reasons as to why someone might be looking for CBD oil, whether it’s for them or their pet.

Here are some common conditions that people look to CBD for helping with:

Anxiety, seizures/epilepsy, arthritis pain, and inflammation, or general joint support. The differing effects of THC vs CBD mean that a combination product is often the best option if your dog has more than one condition you’re looking to help with. For example, a CBD oil product with THC might be necessary to help with arthritis pain and inflammation while CBD-only may be best for anxiety.

Types of CBD for Dogs

Types of CBD for Dogs

CBD oil is a very versatile product. It can be used in many ways, making it an ideal supplement to have on hand. One of the most interesting and innovative uses of CBD oil is with animals. CBD has been shown to help with common animal ailments, such as anxiety, arthritis, inflammation, and more. There are even specially formulated products for pets.

There are many different types of CBD for dogs, but it is important to know what type of CBD product to use for your dog. There are three main categories that you should consider:

  • Oil – This form is usually used by pet owners because it can be administered in a variety of ways (couple drops on food, directly into a liquid, or on the skin). It can also be taken with other medications without change.
  • Edibles – They allow the pet to take in the CBD as they would their regular food. Edibles don’t have very much taste, so some pets might not like them because they won’t eat their food. It’s also important to know that not all states allow them for pets. If your pet is dealing with an issue that has to do with its digestive system, then this would likely be the best option.
  • Topical – Topicals are applied directly to a pet’s fur or skin and they can range in different scents (lavender, peppermint, etc.) Some pets might not like them because of the strong smell. They will help with specific issues, such as arthritis and aches.

Dosage for CBD Oil and Dogs

The most important thing to remember when using CBD oil with your pet is that even though it’s natural, you still need to be cautious. You don’t want to give too much or too little, as it can make things worse instead of better.

The recommended dosage will depend on the product you use and your dog’s weight, as well as the health condition you are treating. For example, for a healthy 20-pound (lbs) pup with arthritis or anxiety, CBD oil dosage may start at around 0.05mg per lb of body weight. However, when using it to treat cancer in dogs, the recommended dose is much higher and should be administered under the supervision of your veterinarian.

If you need help figuring out the dosage for CBD oil with dogs, be sure to consult a professional before making any changes. Then, track and record how much was given to them so that they can see if there are improvements in their symptoms or not. This is one way to find out what works without having an adverse effect.

How Much CBD to Give Your Dog, Based on Size

The following dosage chart was put together based on information from several sources including websites such as Canna-Pet, CBD Dose Chart, and Leaf Science. It is important to remember that the number of milligrams in your pet’s dose may vary depending on their size and weight. As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended that you start with a lower dose and work your way up to a more ideal dosage.

This CBD oil dosage guide is meant for dogs that are older than 12 weeks of age.

CBD Oil Dosage Chart by Weight (in Pounds) * Dog’s weight – the number to start with and work up from if need be or stay at this amount depending on the reaction.

  • 0-15 pounds – 0.25mg to .75mg
  • 16-30 pounds – 0.50mg to 150 mg
  • 30+ pounds – up to 300mg

CBD oil dosage chart by dog’s weight (in kilograms) * Dog’s weight in kilograms x 20 = number to start with and work up from if need be or stay at this amount depending on the reaction.

  • 0-12 kg – 0.05mg to 0.20mg
  • 13-25 kg – 0.20mg to .50mg
  • 26+ kg – up to 100mg in a day (divide doses throughout the day)

An example of an appropriate dosage for anxiety or arthritis would be:

A 20-pound dog would start with around 50 mg and then work their way up from there until they find the right amount for them.

A 50-pound dog would start with around 100mg and then work their way up from there until they find the right amount for them.

This is a very rough guide, do your research and ask an expert if you have any concerns at all about giving CBD oil to your dog.


If you are concerned about the dosage of CBD oil for your dog, it is important to consult with a veterinarian.

They will be able to provide more information on what type and how much CBD dose is appropriate for your canine friend. 

Keep this in mind when administering doses so that they can get relief from their pain as quickly as possible! The dosage guide we provided in this blog post is only a reference point and will vary by individual dog breed, weight, age, activity level or health issues.

We hope that our article on the dosages of CBD oil has been helpful. If you have any questions about how much CBD to give your pup, please contact us!

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