CBD and Your Heart: Lowering Blood Pressure? How CBD Affects Our Cardiovascular System

Cannabidiol, or CBD, can be found in cannabis and hemp plants. It is a compound that can help reduce inflammation and can also produce an anti-anxiety effect when taken at the right dosage. Many people are interested in whether it can also lower blood pressure. The following blog post will answer the question can CBD lower blood pressure and provide an in-depth look at how CBD affects our cardiovascular system.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

You can get high blood pressure when your heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the demands of your body.

  • Stress can increase your risk
  • You can be born with it
  • You can get it from serious illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes
  • Obesity can raise your risks
  • Hormones can play a role in whether you get high blood pressure or not
  • Your age can affect your risk
  • You can have high blood pressure for no clear reason, this is called “essential” or primary hypertension.

Lifestyle Related Risk Factors

Certain lifestyle-related risk factors can contribute to hypertension. For example, being overweight can increase the risks of developing high blood pressure. The reason is that excess weight can put extra strain on your heart and can lead to a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries, which can narrow the lumen of the artery. In addition, obesity can alter lipid profiles, leading to an increased risk for coronary artery disease and cardiovascular events.

Another example is that too much salt in your diet can also cause high blood pressure. Salt can lead to water retention in your body by stimulating aldosterone production, can also affect renal function, and lead to greater sodium absorption from food when you have high levels of insulin in your blood from eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates.

There can be a number of lifestyle-related risk factors that can contribute to hypertension, but CBD can also play an important role. In the following sections, we examine some of this research and how it impacts our hearts.

Risk Factors Due to Underlying Conditions

Another risk factor can be an underlying condition. Two of the most common ones are kidney disease and diabetes. Some of the symptoms can include cloudy urine, having to go to the bathroom often (especially at night), feeling tired all the time, loss of appetite, nausea, weight gain, weakness, and soreness. When your kidneys can’t do their job properly your heart can’t function as it should either because there will be backed-up fluid that can lead to high blood pressure.

How Does High Blood Pressure Affect the Heart?

One of the most common cardiovascular complications is high blood pressure, and it can be both a long-term and short-term risk. High blood pressure can lead to stroke, coronary artery disease, heart attack, and even congestive heart failure. The effects can vary from person to person depending on factors such as genetic predisposition, individual health status, and other lifestyle choices.

Some people may notice no symptoms of high blood pressure at all – meaning they can have very high readings without any outward appearance or negative impact on their well-being (yet). For others with certain risk factors like obesity or smoking – signs may occur quickly: cerebral vascular disease can lead to blurry vision while congestive heart failure can affect breathing patterns.

It can be difficult to know how your blood pressure is impacted by all the variables that can result in high readings. It’s also not always as simple as avoiding certain foods or habits like coffee – although those can certainly contribute to short-term spikes (which will often subside quickly).

What Is CBD Exactly?

CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, can be extracted from marijuana plants as well as hemp plants. The extract can be utilized as a medication that can help with different ailments such as pain relief and preventing nausea. It can also be used to help those who suffer from seizures or can help reduce the risk of diabetes.

The most popular use of Cannabinoid oil is said to provide relief for chronic pain, epilepsy disorders, anxiety, sleep problems, headaches, and other conditions. While it can be helpful for many, some are concerned about its effects on cardiovascular health.

CBD can help reduce stress and can act as an anti-inflammatory, which can benefit the heart. It can also be used to boost metabolism (which can lead to weight loss) or even improve skin health.

THC vs. CBD: What’s the Difference?

CBD can be extracted from hemp or marijuana plants. CBD can be used on its own for different health benefits or can be added to products like food or oils.

THC can also be used as an extract, but it is most commonly found in products that are smoked, which can have negative impacts on cardiovascular health. THC can also cause psychoactive effects, which can affect blood pressure and heart rate.

However, CBD can be used to help reduce the negative impacts of THC when it is consumed together in a product like an oil or food. It can also lower stress and anxiety levels that could lead to high blood pressure readings.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD can be used to relieve a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain and nausea to mental health ailments including anxiety and depression.

When consumed usually in oil form, CBD can enter the bloodstream directly through the stomach or esophagus before going to work quickly throughout the body via the blood.

What Effect Does CBD Have on Blood Pressure?

What Effect Does CBD Have on Blood Pressure

CBD can actually help to lower blood pressure. This can be especially helpful for people who suffer from hypertension or hypotension. CBD can work to relax the muscles in our vascular system and can also reduce inflammation throughout the body.

In a 2010 study, researchers from the University of Kentucky found that cannabis can lower blood pressure. In this particular study on rats with cardiovascular disease, the scientists discovered that CBD increased their heart rates as well as lowered their systolic and diastolic blood pressures by up to 25%.

Another recent research paper published in 2017 looked at existing studies on CBD and cardiovascular health. This study found that cannabis can also reduce inflammation, which can be a major cause of heart disease in the first place.

CBD has even been shown to help with many symptoms associated with dangerous conditions like hypertension including headaches, decreased blood pressure levels (hypotension), fatigue, high potassium level (hyperkalemia), and tremors.

How Does CBD Impact Heart Health?

CBD can lower blood pressure by relaxing the muscles in our vascular system and can also reduce inflammation throughout the body. CBD can also help with many of the symptoms an individual can face when they have hypertension including headaches, decreased blood pressure levels (hypotension), fatigue, high potassium level (hyperkalemia), and tremors.

How Can I Use CBD for Hypertension?

The most common way to take cannabis is in oil form. CBD can be taken orally and can enter the body through the stomach or esophagus, where it can then go directly into your bloodstream.

One of the best ways to make sure you are taking an appropriate dosage is by starting out with a low dose (around 25mg) and can progressively increase your dosage until you can find the optimal amount of CBD for you.

The best way to take cannabis is by spreading out doses throughout the day. Taking cannabis oil too close together can make it more difficult for it to enter into your bloodstream and go directly where we need it most- our cardiovascular system and heart health! Cannabis can also be found in capsules, tinctures, and edibles like gummies or brownies.

Does CBD Have Any Side Effects?

CBD can be very effective when it comes to treating hypertension, but cannabis can also cause certain side effects that may or may not affect your blood pressure levels. Lethargy, diarrhea, low blood pressure (hypotension), and changes in appetite are all possible side effects of cannabis.

CBD can also increase the risk for certain conditions if you are already dealing with epilepsy or other seizure disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety to name a few. If you suffer from any of these conditions it is important to consult your doctor before taking CBD oil as this could make symptoms worse in some cases.

What is the Optimal Dosage of CBD to Lower Blood Pressure?

The best dosage can vary from person to person and can depend on a number of factors including age, weight, sex, and current medical conditions. The studies we looked at for this article used around 200mg of CBD (alone) in order to reduce blood pressure levels.

Again, it is important to note that cannabis can cause a number of side effects and can possibly even worsen conditions you may already have. Make sure to consult with your doctor before taking CBD oil as well, especially if you suffer from any mental health ailments including anxiety or depression.


CBD is a natural remedy for treating heart health. If you want to learn more about how it can help your cardiovascular system, contact us today! We’ll be happy to answer any questions and listen to feedback.

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